Couples Therapy

Chantal’s story, “Before developing a specialty in working with couples, I had heard a lot of rumors saying that couples counseling was a waste of time. It didn’t work in most cases, particularly with high-conflict couples. I didn’t pay much attention to these rumors at first, because in the beginning of my career I did not have an interest in couples therapy.

But now, after years of counseling couples and working through challenges in my own marriage to eventually create a strong relationship and happy family, I understand why marriage counseling has gotten a bad rap. The reasons some couples don’t succeed in marriage counseling are the exact same reasons they don’t succeed in marriage!

What Counselors Can Offer Couples

Counselors and therapists have a plethora of training and tools to offer. In couples therapy, clients can learn conflict resolution skills, effective communication skills, empathy, problem solving, parenting techniques, how to get their needs met, how to speak their spouse’s love language. I could keep going and name 25 more things you can learn and achieve in therapy.

Plus, counselors offer their clients understanding, compassion, and a safe place to talk openly about problems. They can also give concrete advice and solutions. We even offer homework assignments, so you can do more learning and growing to improve your relationship between sessions!”(Chantal Gagnon, PhD, LMHC3 Keys to Marital Counseling Success,May 30, 2014,

This is where online counseling does it best

We can help. online therapy is particularly suited to help you…right where you sit. You needn’t leave the comfort and security of your favorite/private place.

Traditionally you may think of counseling and psychotherapy as performed in someone’s office. And that exists; however, for you we have an alternative- online therapy.  Just go to the internet on your favorite electronic device-computer, cell phone, even your e book  and there you are.  No waiting in the outer office- sitting across from others. Session scheduling and rescheduling is flexible. Even if each of you are in different places, you can still be together online- or you can be alone from time to time if you choose. Both work.

But does it work?  Yes.  And, what’s more, online counseling has been found to be MORE effective (In fairness, not all experts will agree- do they ever?) than traditional.  Proof? In 2013, at the University of Zurich, that very thing was found.  In their words, “Fifty-seven per cent of online patients [who] completed [the] course [were] depression free, [and] only 42 per cent of cases who saw [a] therapist in person felt better.” One reason these experts gave for such success was that online clients were able to look over their notes afterwards while traditional clients tended to forget what was said in session. We online therapists exchange emails with you in between online therapy sessions. That serves to “cement” what was tackled in session.

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